Autumn feelsĀ 

I don’t know about you, but I love autumn. I’m not gonna lie, I love so many aspects of the summer, but I honestly don’t mind when autumn rocks up in October.

The best thing for me is definitely the clothing, namely cosy knits and comfy boots. Nothing is more satisfying when the weather gets colder than throwing these bad boys on. It also means I can hunt out my hats, scarves and cute as anything mittens and reach for them when it gets too chilly. And then there’s the cosy pjs. I’m not gonna lie, being head to toe in fleecy flannel is not the thing that gets my other half going, but I just wanna be cosy! And a cosy me, makes a happy me, so he’s down with that. 

Another thing I love about autumn is the events. There’s Halloween, bonfire night, and the lead up to Christmas. There’s lovely meals out, sitting by log fires and drinking hot chocooate. Going for walks and kicking up leaves that have fallen on the ground. Snuggling under a blanket. Oh and the half term holidays. As a teacher I completely welcome some time off school after a crazy few weeks settling my new class. Best feeling ever when the tiredness sets in and the first coughs and colds of the year makes an appearance. 

So these are just a few things I love about autumn. What do you love? 

Until next time… 

Jean xoxo