December faves

So with the craziness of Christmas and then NY I somehow forgot about December faves…until now! I love doing monthly faves so didn’t want to miss December out, so here goes! The top 5 things I was loving…

1. Santa Mug

So if you read my recent post about the bargains I picked up in Primark (Primark December Haul), you’ll have seen this little beauty before. I’m totally in love with this festive mug! I used it all over Christmas and would happily use it all year round, that’s totally acceptable isn’t it?! It’s such a great size and a lovely mug and was only £4!

2. Self Care

So I really felt self-care was important in December so tried to pamper and take care of myself as much as poss. It was a combination of tiredness, feeling run down, needing cheering up and generally just stopping and relaxing. It did me the world of good and definitely something I want to make sure I do as much as I can throughout 2017.

3. Festive Jumpers 

I’m a total sucker for a festive jumper so tried to wear as many as I could in December. This is one of my faves and a bit of a classier one I picked up from, yes you’ve guessed it, my fave shop Aspire.

4. Benefit Besties 

So I got this for Christmas  so only got to play with it a bit in December, but am totally in love with my Benefit Besties gift set. It’s full of Benefit’s best-selling products as minis and comes with a cute make up bag. I’m excited to use it throughout January and inevitably buy some of the full-sized products when these run out. I’m sure a review will be coming soon so look out for that on the blog. If you want to see what else I got for Christmas, you can find out here – What I got for Christmas 2016.

5. Lightbox 

So you might have seen this pop on my Instagram a few times in December if you follow me – my lightbox. Purchased from Iwoot, I’ve been loving using it to write messages. And I’ve not even put the light on it yet! It looks good enough off as it does on in my opinion. They seem really hard to get hold of at a decent price so I’m really glad to have one in my life.

So these are my top 5 for December. What did you love during the last month of the year? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time…

Jean xoxo

P.S. Make sure you’re following me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!