Blogger Recognition Award


Today I am doing the Blogger Recognition Award! I was very kindly nominated by the lovely Chloe at Marble beauty. She posts about beauty and lifestyle and lots of bits in between! I really loved her recent Primark haul. So thank you very much for nominating me!

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them, providing a link to the post you created.

How my blog started

So if you didn’t already know, I’m pretty new to blogging, having just started in October 2016. I did briefly write a few years ago on a different blog, but I didn’t really stick at it, and it soon fizzled out. This time, I knew I wanted to start the blog but kept putting it off. I was scared about putting myself out there, and also wanted to start with everything being perfectly in place and knowing everything about being a successful blogger. The push I finally needed was meeting the very lovely Talk Becky Talk in September 2016 who gave me lots of fab advice and has been so helpful ever since. So I’ve been rolling with it, and am totally loving it!

Advice to new bloggers

  1. If you’re like me and are too scared to start writing, just go for it! You’ll find your feet along the way, discover how things work and have lots of fun. It can be a bit scary putting yourself out there, but people are so lovely and appreciate your content. Sometimes you just need to push yourself out of your comfort zone!
  2. Engage with fellow bloggers – on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and of course on their own blogs. Like, share, comment, retweet…if you do that, then people are likely to do the same for you. Get talking to each other and share tips. It’s a really lovely way to make friends too!


So sorry to anyone who may have been nominated before, but here are my tags. Can’t wait to read your posts!








Angie Rose


L & H





Until next time…

Jean x0x0

P.S. Make sure you are following me on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest!

23 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Renatas Randoms says:

    I really like the story of how you started your blog. I was feeling just the same.
    But at the end of the day, you just have to have fun with it and enjoy it. Anythig forced and pretended is not good.
    Thank you for the nomination, lovely. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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